Right after his majestic efficiency towards Arsenal very last night time, I produced a short match comp of Xavi to ‘Don’t Panic’ by Coldplay.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Right after his majestic efficiency towards Arsenal very last night time, I produced a short match comp of Xavi to ‘Don’t Panic’ by Coldplay.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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off all time
and now .1.Inesta
Gracias Xavi …what is the name of song?
Look at the Arsenal defenders. Why pressure him? Pressure Xavi and you leave space at the back for Barca Full Backs and midfielders to creep in, and Xavi will either do a Pelopina (the spin he does) or play a safe pass into possession. Might as well let Barca do what they want, cause there is no way to stop him. Look at his stature. He is so small, yet his footballing brain is incredibly massive. He plays the game as if he knew where everyone was at the right time. The best Central Midfielder.
So simple yet so beautiful with Xavi. Even with Fabregas pressuring him he still makes a pass. The Best Central Midfielder Ever.
King of Passes
A grand total of one pass with his left foot.
@987costa and people saying Gerrard is useless are what? PhDs in football?
@nvssudheer .lol you are fucking retarded.you obv odnt know sit about scholes or football for that matter.what makes him great?the brilliance he has been doing for 15+ years .ignorant shit.
Its like the guy is genetically bred to play the game. Legend 😀
Xavi is the best midfielder next to that French guy, forgot his name.
<3 Xavi
@mafls001 Why doesn’t he, Xavi is the best midfielder in the world hands down, it’s alot to ask for a 19 year old to be as good as him now, he’s the same size, same stature, 11 years younger, he definately has the ability.
@YouAreHereification talented played very well but not a touch on xavi.
@diflope Coldplay – Don’t Panic
“In the last 15 to 20 years the best central midfielder that I have seen – the most complete – is Scholes” – Xavi Hernandez
What the name of this song ?
What is the name song ?
@mafls001 stfu. he’s biggest talent since paul scholes. he played remarkably well for a 19yr old against barca. been one of arsenals best players this year aswell. hahaha jokes on you
Wilshere? HAHAHA y is everyone jumping on wilshere wanking band wagon if any1 here has any idea about football then they would see wilshere doesnt have a touch on xavi.
@FrankSkywalker79 He say : Another fabulous save by Almunia 🙂
Xavi who? All I saw last night was Wilshere.
Someone make a Wilshere vs Barca vid.
You nailed that one! Very well said!
@makedatchedder are you fucking serious? he’s the only one with that ability and skills man
xavi??? wilshere won that battle