This is most likely my final vid about my favourite football player Thierry Henry. I invested numerous hrs on this 1 but I do not regret it! I believe we all can say that Thierry Henry was best when he played for Arsenal FC, he was one particular of the greatest gamers at that minute in my viewpoint. I hope you enjoy it! Songs: Skillet – Rebirthing Terence Jay – A single Blood TAGS: thierry henry hd new fc barcelona legend arsenal fc striker soccer football futball 2009 2010 fredrik ljungberg robert pires dennis bergkamp camp nou number 14 #14 france
Video clip Rating: 4 / five

Ronaldo, Henry, Shevchenko
Their will be no other pearl like him….Ever..
henry is a superb team player, I would want him on my team any day.
It’s sad watching this because it is so beautiful. He was more than a player. Whenever he played he carried spirit and strength that won as many games as his feet.. and I guess that’s why he’s so special to me. A true legend.
King of highbury. hope he comes back to arsenal as manager
@littleismail me 2 man ,, me 2. sorry kingRobinho but i downloaded it cuz I dont know maybe u gonna erase it and I want this to be in my archive ,,, cuz it tells everything about the king of arsenal. Thierry Henry… I hope he becames the arsneal manager.
i think he is the best in the world when he played in Arsenal 😉 good words: when you need a goal you need Thierry Henry : ] whats the name of first music 🙂
Cristiano Ronaldo said once in a TV interview “the god of football has sent me to earth, in order to show people how to play football the right way!”
When Henry heard about what Ronaldo said, he looked at the ground thinking for a while, then said: “I don’t remember sending anyone.”
awesome vid, ya just went a lil gay on the music for the 2nd half of it, u shud of stuck with tht nice rock music u had it was awesome, mke another 1 lke tht
Its a shame this guy’s entire career is overshadowed by that handball in the world cup… still a true player no dives, 100 percent heart, all amazing
6:25- poor guy
Great video! A shame about the music though… You shoul’ve kept the lord of the rings music on 😉
@MrJarcicsisasisu Monkey Troller, How can monkey not shut the fuck up?
Grow the fuck up and just watch the video or just fuck off
monkey Henry,amazing how monkey can play football??
Everyone must say this is one of the best strikers ever even tottenham fans.
best thierry henry video compilation i have ever seen no jokes good music, good video nice job!
he scored more goals outside the box then in.
@thriceAT I’m with you on the broken heart… Still kills me to the core, he was unbelievable, lived my weekends to hear his name, he was smooth, intelligent, super fast, skilful, suave and the best we ever had in the Prem, I idolised Bergkamp, but then Thierry came along. I have a 2′ x 1′ 6″ framed original personally signed by the great man, always on show to pay homage
I’m really digging the lord of the rings music at the beginning. Henry can’t be replaced at Arsenal, kinda breaks my heart.
record breaker .. history maker .. thierry henry of arsenal!!
is the music implying that Thierry is a hobbit?
Titi , toi le seul qui m’a fait réver au foot qui me donne envie d’y arriver , la vie est dure , le scentres sont dures mais c’est toi qui me donne la force de mettre tout ce que j’ai dans le jeu
@jossaaen im sorry ruined his career? really? ok he didn’t score as many for them then he did for arsenal but remember when he went to barca he wasn’t getting any younger.
at barca he won the league twice, CHAMPIONS LEAGUE AN FIFA CLUB WORLD. CUP he might have won the league an other trophy’s with arsenal but where was the champions league trophy? he won 7 trophy’s at barca in 3 years. MAN HE RUINED HIS CAREER LOL
I can’t say in words how much I love Thierry Henry <3
It was too bad he left arsenal and ruined his carreer as everyone else who leaves arsenal. its a curse, A CURSE I TELL YOU!
best striker to ever grace the premier league long live the king of highbury